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Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally in the human body. As we age, our hormone levels decline, causing various symptoms associated with aging and menopause. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help restore optimal hormone levels, alleviating unpleasant symptoms and promoting better health and quality of life.

At Vitality Restored Clinic in Novato, California, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone replacement plans to help both men and women regain hormonal balance and realize the full benefits of optimal hormone levels.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Declining hormone levels can negatively impact both physical and mental health. Common signs and symptoms of hormone deficiency include fatigue, weight gain, sleep disturbances, mood changes, memory and focus problems, muscle loss and weakness, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and erectile dysfunction.

If multiple bothersome symptoms are present, hormone testing can identify specific imbalances suitable for bioidentical hormone replacement.

Our Services

Restore your health with bioidentical hormones.

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Customized bioidentical hormone therapy aims to restore levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, melatonin, DHEA, and other hormones to optimal ranges based on lab testing. Potential benefits include increased energy, improved mood, better sleep quality, healthy libido and sexual function, loss of unwanted belly fat, gain of lean muscle mass, stronger bones, reduction in menopause symptoms, healthier cardiovascular function, slowed skin aging, strengthened immune system function, and disease prevention properties.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

At Vitality Restored Clinic, initial visits focus on a detailed history and evaluation of symptoms. We then order laboratory testing to measure specific hormone levels and uncover imbalances. Once test results are reviewed, we customize a bioidentical hormone regimen targeting deficient hormones. Follow-up testing helps fine-tune doses to reach optimal hormone balance unique to each patient.

Vitality Restored Clinic Bioidentical HRT Specialists

The physicians at Vitality Restored Clinic specialize in anti-aging and regenerative medicine with an emphasis on bioidentical hormone replacement tailored to the individual. Dr. Erika Jones, MD, is dually board-certified in Family Medicine and Integrative Holistic Medicine, while Dr. Amanda Park, ND, is a licensed Naturopathic doctor proficient in a wide range of natural treatment modalities.

Restore your health with bioidentical hormones.

Frequently Asked Questions about Bioidentical HRT

What exactly are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones have a molecular structure identical to hormones produced in the human body, allowing receptor binding and physiological effects to precisely mirror natural hormones. They are sourced from plant compounds and made into final products by specialty pharmacies.

How do they differ from synthetic hormones?

Synthetic hormones have slightly altered chemical structures from native human hormones, which can inhibit receptor binding and increase the risk of side effects.

How safe is bioidentical hormone therapy?

Extensive research confirms that treatment with properly balanced bioidentical hormones is extremely safe for both men and women and is not linked with increased cancer or heart disease risk when used at optimal levels based on symptoms and testing.

What are the main advantages over synthetic hormones?

Advantages include fewer side effects, customizability based on each patient's lab work, improved quality of life, and more convenient administration methods.

How soon can I expect to feel better on bioidentical HRT?

Positive effects commonly occur within 2-4 weeks, but maximal benefits may take 3-6 months. Most patients report feeling substantially better within the first month.

Bioidentical HRT Treatment Overview

The process of undergoing bioidentical hormone replacement with Vitality Restored Clinic involves an initial consultation, a follow-up visit to review test results and develop a customized treatment plan, and ongoing management with follow-up testing, dosage titrations, and monitoring of symptom improvements.

Bioidentical Estrogen and Progesterone for Women

Customized bioidentical estrogen and progesterone therapy can provide immense relief for common menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances, fatigue, mood changes, and memory issues. Bioidentical estrogen also provides vital heart, bone, and brain protection.

Properly balanced bioidentical hormone replacement has been shown not to increase breast or uterine cancer incidence when progesterone is used for protection.

Andropause and Bioidentical Testosterone Therapy

Bioidentical testosterone replacement aims to reverse the downward spiral of andropause, which includes symptoms like loss of physical and mental energy, increased body fat and muscle loss, cognitive issues, depression, reduced libido, and sleep disturbances.

Benefits of bioidentical testosterone therapy include increased energy, reduced body fat, improved mental abilities, better mood, improved sleep quality, restored libido and sexual function, healthier heart and cholesterol levels, and stronger bones and joints.

Thyroid Hormone Imbalance and Treatment

Low thyroid hormone function can cause symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, constipation, hair loss, cold intolerance, forgetfulness, and muscle and joint issues. Vitality Restored Clinic uses a combination of lab tests to properly diagnose hypothyroidism and may identify low thyroid function despite "normal" TSH levels.

Bioidentical thyroid hormone replacement, along with dietary coaching, nutraceutical support, and stress reduction techniques, can help restore vitality and correct metabolism deficits.

Melatonin, DHEA, and Other Hormones

In addition to estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid hormones, Vitality Restored Clinic also addresses deficiencies in melatonin, DHEA, cortisol, and growth hormone. Bioidentical melatonin can improve sleep quality and enhance immunity, while DHEA can offer improvements in energy, mood, libido, and bone and joint health.

Lifestyle Optimization for Best HRT Results

Vitality Restored Clinic provides tailored practical recommendations to optimize nutrition, stress management, exercise, and overall lifestyle to potentiate the benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy. These include nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory diets, targeted nutraceutical support, stress modulation techniques, and exercise and movement guidance.


At Vitality Restored Clinic, we specialize in state-of-the-art diagnostics combined with customized bioidentical hormone regimens for both men and women. Our goal is to restore vigor and longevity with excellent quality of life through properly balanced hormones and supporting lifestyle optimization strategies.

Please reach out to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards ageless aging and life-long health.

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